April is the month of Keep It True Festival, which will be taking place on the last weekend of the month. Cruz Del Sur Music will be present as usual, enjoying this great festival and supporting our recording artists Atlantean Kodex (their show is scheduled for Saturday 26th April at 6 pm).
During the festival we will also present two of our May releases, Vestal Claret “The Cult of Vestal Claret” and Battleroar “Blood of Legends”.

For years Vestal Claret has been very hard to find and listen due to the nature of their mysterious existence. Only in 2011, with the release of “Virgin Blood” (Sarlacc Productions) 7’’ vinyl EP and the “Bloodbath” full-length album, the band was finally able to reach out to the fans.
Their Cruz del Suir Music’s 2014 release “The Cult of The Vestal Claret” is introduced by the art of Juha Vuorma, and is a sum of Vestal Claret’s blackened essence. It features re-recorded versions of their tracks from their split with Ungod and the long, creepy suite “Black Priest” (from their split with Albatross). Besides, it introduces some new occult metal classics such as “The Stranger” and “Great Goat God”, and a cover of Black Sabbath’s “Who Are You”.
“The Cult of the Vestal Claret” will be available, in compact disc, vinyl (with different tracklist) and digital in all stores from May 2nd , and also pre-sold at Keep It True.
Copies of their previous releases “Bloodbath” (compact disc) and “Virgin Blood” can be found at our e-store. Read more “CRUZ DEL SUR MUSIC: exciting news for April and May 2014”