It is with deep regret that we announce the cancellation of our appearances at Metalcamp 2010 as well as the Born To Be Doomed festival in Baltimore this year. Cancelling any show is very difficult for us emotionally and spiritually…those of you who have been with us for a while know that we’ve even brought in stand-in musicians to make things happen in the past, but unfortunately, sometimes things simply don’t work out no matter what we do.

A statement from Tom Phillips:
Greetings to all…
It is with deep regret that we announce the cancellation of our appearances at Metalcamp 2010 as well as the Born To Be Doomed festival in Baltimore this year. Cancelling any show is very difficult for us emotionally and spiritually…those of you who have been with us for a while know that we’ve even brought in stand-in musicians to make things happen in the past, but unfortunately, sometimes things simply don’t work out no matter what we do.
Regarding Metalcamp, extenuating circumstances that neither the Metalcamp organization nor WHW ourselves could resolve…despite exhausting every last possibility…have resulted in WHW being cancelled from the billing for this year. Part of this can be attributed to conflicting schedules, along with truly outrageous expenses, and a few other personal matters that we’ll make public when appropriate (don’t worry, they’re not malign). The bottom line is we hope that we’ll be able to reschedule for Metalcamp 2011 (or after), and will let you know if and when this is sorted out. Read more “WHILE HEAVEN WEPT: Unfortunate news…but with light at the end of the tunnel”